Chronos deployments

Default template

shpkpr includes a set of default templates which are used when a custom template is not supplied by the user at runtime. The default template used for chronos jobs is included below for reference purposes.

    Built-In Job Template

    This file contains the default template used by shpkpr when adding a new
    Chronos job if no custom template is provided.

    With sensible defaults for most options, it should be possible to deploy a
    new or updated application with very minimal configuration.

    This template makes some assumptions about your job:

    - It is configured via environment variables (12-factor style).
    - It runs in a Docker container.

    4 values are required to run a job using this template:

    - CHRONOS_NAME: The name of the Chronos job
    - CHRONOS_OWNER: The email address of the team responsible for the job
    - CHRONOS_CMD: The command that will be executed by Chronos
    - DOCKER_REPOTAG: The repotag of the Docker image to be used
        The job name. Must match the following regular expression: "([\w\.-]+)".
    "name": "{{CHRONOS_JOB_NAME}}",
        The email address of the person/team responsible for the job.
    "owner": "{{CHRONOS_OWNER}}",
        The actual command that will be executed by Chronos.
    "command": "{{CHRONOS_CMD}}",
    "container": {
        "type": "DOCKER",
        {# The name/tag of the Docker image to use. #}
        "image": "{{DOCKER_REPOTAG}}",
        "parameters": [
            {% block docker_labels %}
            {% for key, value in _all_env|filter_items("LABEL_", strip_prefix=True) %}
                {"key": "label", "value": "{{key|slugify}}={{value}}"}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {% endblock %}
        "network": "BRIDGE"
    {# The number of CPU shares this job needs. #}
    "cpus": {{CHRONOS_CPUS|default(0.1)|require_float(min=0.1)}},
    {# Amount of Mesos Memory (in MB) for this job. #}
    "mem": {{CHRONOS_MEM|default(512)|require_int(min=0)}},
    {# If set to "true", this job will not be run. #}
    "disabled": {{CHRONOS_DISABLED|default("false")}},
    {# Set the number of times the job will retry. #}
    "retries": {{CHRONOS_RETRIES|default(2)}},
        Key value pairs that get added to the environment variables of each task
        that is started by Chronos.
    "environmentVariables": [
        {% for key, value in _all_env|filter_items("ENV_", strip_prefix=True) %}
              "name": "{{key}}",
              "value": "{{value}}"
            }{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        If Chronos misses the scheduled run time for any reason, it will still
        run the job if the time is within this interval. Epsilon must be
        formatted like an ISO 8601 Duration.
    "epsilon": "{{CHRONOS_EPSILON|default("PT60S")}}",
        The scheduling for the job, in ISO8601 format. Consists of 3 parts
        separated by `/`:

        - The number of times to repeat the job: `Rn` to repeat `n` times, or
          `R` to repeat forever
        - The start time of the job. An empty start time means start
          immediately. Our format is ISO8601: `YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD` (e.g.,
          `1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00`) where:
            - `YYYY` = four-digit year
            - `MM`   = two-digit month (01 = January, etc.)
            - `DD`   = two-digit day of month (01 through 31)
            - `hh`   = two-digit hour in 24-hour time (00 through 23)
            - `mm`   = two-digit minute (00 through 59)
            - `ss`   = two-digit second (00 through 59)
            - `s`    = one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a
            - `TZD`  = time zone designator (`Z` for UTC or `+hh:mm` or `-hh:mm`
                       for UTC offset)
        - The run interval, defined following the "Duration" component of the
          ISO8601 standard. `P` is required. `T` is for distinguishing M(inute)
          and M(onth)––it is required when specifying Hour/Minute/Second. For
            - `P10M`           = 10 months
            - `PT10M`          = 10 minutes
            - `P1Y12M12D`      = 1 year, 12 months, and 12 days
            - `P12DT12M`       = 12 days and 12 minutes
            - `P1Y2M3DT4H5M6S` = 1 year, 2 months, 3 days, 4 hours, and 5
    "schedule": "{{CHRONOS_SCHEDULE|default("R/2017-01-01T00:00:00.0Z/PT24H")}}",
        Secrets allow shpkpr to inject secret data from configured "secret
        stores" at application deploy time. This allows decoupling of how
        secrets are provisioned from the how applications make use of those
        secrets at runtime.
    "secrets": {
        {% for key, value in _all_env|filter_items("SECRET_", strip_prefix=True) %}
            "{{key}}": {"source": "{{value}}"}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {# Whether the job runs in the background or not. #}
    "async": false